I can help.


I'm Shön Taylor, technologist and business consultant. I’m passionate about information architecture, with focus on network engineering and systems integration. With 25+ years experience in information technology, I can help your business improve by providing the strategic platform necessary to connect to the right people with the right tools. In short — I’m in the business of your success.

You can read more about my background here.

New Heights

Technology is a field that is constantly evolving and shows no signs of decelerating. To keep up with the dynamic technology scene, business people with sharp acumen need not just expand their reach, but also invest in continuous advancement.

Do Not Back Up Beyond This Point

Semper Anticus

Always forward — don’t fear failure. Fear being in the exact same place tomorrow as you are today. Don’t worry about your speed. Forward is forward, no matter how slow. Strive for progress, not perfection.